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Hyundai SeasAll test runs
Riva MonteCarlo 26 Superfast
Tiiskeri 770
Seiskari ACB-8 hovercraft
with Hyundai SeasAll 190 hp
Riva MonteCarlo 26 Superfast
Hyundai SeasAll meridieseleitä on asennettu mm. seuraaviin veneisiin:
Hyundai SeasAll dieselmotorer har installerats mm. till följande motorbåtar.
Hyundai SeasAll engines have been installated to the following motorboats f.ex.:
Riva Montecarlo 26 Superfast (S-250)
Tiiskeri 770 (S-250) (Katso videoTest run video in our BLOG)
Flying Flipper (D-170)
Nymar 6500 Jet (U-125 jet)
Alu 650 (U-125 jet)
Sandstrom Classic 620 MC (U-125 sisäperä/sterndrive)
Kirri 21 (U-125)
Ilmatyynyalus/Svävare/Hovercraft: Seiskari ACB-8 (D170)
(Katso videot. Test run videos in our BLOG)
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